
twam's WorldClock ist a tiny worldclock program for Windows. It's able to display several user-configurable timezones in a small window like this:


This window is usually positioned in the upper right corner of your screen beside the minimize and maximize buttons of the underlaying applications (but you can configure the window to reside whereever you want!). If you use the "always on top" feature of worldclock, you'll be able to see the different timezones all the time without loosing import space on your screen.

In Version 3 there are lots of features which you can configure so that worldclock fits your needs, e.g. you can change to look of the main screen completely. Select your own colors, fonts, border and padding settings or even display the window transparent:


Version 3 of WorldClock has also a lot of new features for managing your timezones. You can select your timezones from a lot of predifined timezones or create your own using the "new timezone wizard":


If you add a custom timezone you will be able to select a country to use the daylightsavingtime rules of this country.


Another nice feature of worldclock is its included timecalc. You can launch it easily via a user-configurable hotkey. It helps you to plan your meetings, when your participants are using different timezones:


And the best on worldclock is that it's for free! So download and try it! If you like it, feel free to give me a short feedback on it! I'd be happy!

Download: setup_332.exe

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About the author

My name is Tobias Müller. I'm interested in com­puters, physics, elec­tronics and photo­graphy. more …

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